At St Josephs, Religious Education is based on the Sandhurst Curriculum Religious Education Framework which is called the Source of Life and is a vital part of the child's education. Religious Education topics are related to the child's life experiences. With careful guidance, the children are led to new insights about life, living and faith. We joyfully celebrate our faith together through prayer, liturgy and sacraments. We celebrate special days and events with School Masses, Assemblies and Paraliturgies.
The Scope and Sequence cycle has been developed to ensure that all students witness all Source of Life units in a two year cycle. The cycle is also considered in relation to the Liturgical Calendar of the Catholic Church and our school Integrated Unit Scope and Sequence to allow the necessary connection between the two.
Teaching of Religious Education at all levels of the school is based around the following strands: Jesus Christ, Church, Scripture, Sacraments, Christian Life and Christian Prayer.
Major Teaching Emphasis:
Levels 1 & 2
Students learn about the initiation into God's family through the Sacrament of Baptism and the Church and how the story of Jesus calls us to think of others in our lives. Students will be encouraged to appreciate the beauty of the world God has created and how we should care for it.
Level 3
A strong focus for students at this level is the preparation for the Sacraments of Reconciliation (Year 3), and First Eucharist and Confirmation (Year 4). As full members of the Church, students are called to hear Jesus' message in their everyday lives through prayer and serving others. Students are called to celebrate the wonder of God's Creation through prayer and their actions.
Level 4
Students learn about the traditions and history of the Catholic Church and their role as Christians in society. Students revisit the Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist) and Healing (Reconciliation and the Anointing of the Sick) and develop an understanding of the Sacraments of Commitment (Holy Orders and Marriage). Students focus on their responsibilities to be people of justice and maintain harmony in creation and peace on Earth.
If you wish to learn more about Source of Life, please visit the Catholic Education office webpage at